Friday, January 11, 2008

hug life with your great big arms.


One of these nights, the sky matched the sidewalk and the concrete clouds were slowly backing away from me. On any normal walk, the night would stand between us, trying it's hardest to keep us apart. But tonight was different, the world had its guard down. It started as gentle sways and shoulders touching on the coldest streets, and ended as frozen fingers against the seams of each others pockets. I couldn't help but picture our hands in a steady grasp. We would keep them there for the next two blocks until we reached that yellow house on the corner, the one that swallowed her every night, but this time I would pass the fence, those same cold fingers would pull me in through the cloudy glass of those double doors, and we would make it, with every light in the house turned on.

But even if this did happen, would I really want to know what it's like? Would it be worth spoiling every idealized situation I'd ever imagined? Well, on a day this cold, I think not. I saw the double doors close from the street, so I wrapped myself around the corner and continued on for the twenty street signs that stood between us.

My own house welcomed me in and I found myself face to face with the empty turntable on the living room floor. Without hesitation I reached for the white vinyl, that moon-like disc, and let the volume control itself. And, oh, these songs! Like a dictionary with only the perfect words left inside, this is the kind of music that makes me feel like I'm closer to it than I am to anyone I've ever known.

Kickball-Fight (from the album Everything is a Miracle Nothing is a Miracle Everything is)

Kickball-Party (from the album ABCDEFGHIJKickball)

Listen to more songs at Kickball Myspace

Buy it here (Houseopolis Records)

and here (Boy Gorilla Records)

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