Saturday, December 1, 2007

we're all long gone.

So, last night we saw Les Savy Fav. They totally rocked me out of my pants and my shirt, and all of the other garments I lost. They even rocked eighty dollars out of my pocket and probably into the hand of some jerk that pushes people at shows for no reason. Hopefully not, though. Hopefully it landed in the hands of some kind kid who feels like things only make sense when Tim Harrington's voice is creeping through his tiny white headphones.

We got to sing into the mic, we even howled like wolves into the mic. I'm surprised that my voice was still there when I woke up this morning. I could feel my throat falling apart, but the cracks in its lining were filled by every Les Savy Fav lyric I could remember. The show gave me this overwhelming sense of self-confidence. It felt like I was dancing myself out of a cocoon.

So, yeah. I was going to post some Les Savy Fav songs, but I think everyone knows how good they are, and those of you that don't, will enjoy it much more if you go out and find them on your own.

What I wanted to mention was that one of the biggest highlights of the show was the band that played before Les Savy Fav. They were called The Dodos, and they blew every mind within a ten mile radius. I hate band-name-math, but their resemblance to other bands was so strong that I'll just go with it. They were a duo form of animal collective plus battles multipied by acoustic guitars. There, I did it. So, listen to them for yourself. You'll enjoy it.

The Ball, and Nerds from their album Beware of the Maniacs.

Notes, and Couples from their album Dodo Bird

You can also find some more songs at their Myspace

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